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  • Diagnostic, Prognostic, and Monitoring Approaches in IBD

    In this module, we will explore effective diagnostic approaches, identify prognostic indicators for predicting disease outcomes, and review the importance of continuous monitoring in the management of IBD.

  • Diagnostic Approaches for IBD

    In this chapter, we’ll explore various diagnostic approaches to IBD. You’ll learn about the roles of key laboratory tests and biomarkers, analyze how imaging can elucidate areas of inflammation, and discover how interpreting histopathology can assist in differential diagnosis and assessment of disease severity.

    Presented by Erin M. Forster, MD, MPH

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  • Monitoring Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): A Treat-to-Target Approach

    In this chapter, we’ll explore a treat-to-target approach, from understanding STRIDE-II guidelines and appropriate targets to the importance of a multidisciplinary team and personalized plans.

    Presented by Jami A. Kinnucan, MD

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  • Prognostic Indicators

    This chapter will explore the potential disease progression patterns and complications specific to UC and CD and factors that affect them. We’ll cover the importance of risk stratification—differentiating between mild, moderate, and severe IBD cases—and explore biomarkers and predictive tools.

    Presented by Ryan C. Ungaro, MD

    Available from 25 February 2034
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